Our powerful universal moisturiser is made in Australia and is designed for everyone’s skin – normal, dry, sensitive or oily. It works beautifully for all skin types.
BONDI LAB SUPER MOISTURISER combines Pomegranate Seed Oil, Green Tea, Hibiscus Extract, Camellia Japonica, Hemp Seed Oil, Olive Oil and Organic Cehami Daisy to create a totally natural, balanced formula of beneficial ingredients that are not only excellent for every skin type but good for our planet too because they are all bio-degradable and nature friendly.
And you won’t need any additional products to ensure your skin is being replenished and revived every day.
BONDI-LAB SUPERMOISTURISER uses only the best organic ingredients. *
Pomegranate Seed Oil is a very powerful antioxidant and helps prevent wrinkles forming.
Green Tea is also packed full of anti-oxidants
and helps prevent ageing.
Hibiscus Extract is the Botox of the natural world – helping reduce the formation of expression lines.
Camellia Japonica deeply penetrates the skin to thoroughly moisturise and nourish.
Organic Cehami Daisy soothes the skin and promotes cell regeneration.
Hempseed oil is known to not clog pores, be anti-inflammatory, and provide superior moisturisation to keep the skin looking and feeling supple. It can be used within a product or even just on the skin as a face oil.
Olive Oil is packed with anti-aging antioxidants and hydrating squalene, making it superb for hair, skin, and nails. Olive oil has been used as a hair treatment since ancient Egyptian times.
Acacia Seed Extract (Wattle Seed) is blend of water and cassia angustifolia seed polysaccharide. Used in Day cream and body care. Acts as a softening, smoothing and moisturising agent. Possesses water absorption and retention improving, film-forming, protecting, restructuring and repairing properties. Offers improved skin complexion and radiance.
Rosewood Oil - Most people recognise youthful skin as having elasticity, flexible, firm and tight. The French use rosewood for natural skin regenerating, skin elasticity and cell stimulation in treating wrinkled, mature and ageing skin. Anti ageing skin tips using rosewood oil helps mature skin to look the best.
* Some of our scientific ingredients ensure the stability and longevity of our products, they have been carefully chosen for their eco-friendliness and biodegradability.